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एवं नृणां क्रियायोगाः सर्वे संसृतिहेतवः ।
त एवात्मविनाशाय कल्पन्ते कल्पिताः परे ।'
"O Vyasa of excellent vows, that which
produces malady to beings does not itself
cure if administered as medicine. Thus
are all actions of men, cause only of
transmigration but offered to the Supreme,
they become capable of destroying
एवं संभाष्य भगवान्ययौ यादृच्छिको मुनिः ॥
Having spoken thus, the blessed sage,
Narada, who had come there accidentally,
went away.
तस्मिन् स्व आश्रमे व्यासः प्रणिदध्यौ मनः स्वयम् ।
स संहितां भागवतीं कृत्वाऽनुक्रम्य चात्मजम् ।
शुकमध्यापयामास निवृत्तिनिरतं मुनिः ॥
In that hermitage of his, Vyasa held his
mind in concentration, created this sacred
collection of the Bhagavata, arranged and
taught it to his son Suka who was ever
on the path of renunciation.