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imperishable Lord, marked with his
fame; and for this reason do good men
listen to, sing and proclaim it to others.
'अथो महाभाग भवानमोघदृक्
शुचिश्रवाः सत्यरतो धृतव्रतः ।
समाधिनाऽनुस्मर तद्विचेष्टितम् ॥
"Hence, you blessed Vyasa of unerring
insight, you who are of pure fame, truthful
and austere, recapitulate with concen-
tration for the release of all from bondage,
the doings of the Lord who pervades the
whole universe with His great strides.
'एतत्संसूचितं ब्रह्मन् तापत्रयचिकित्सितम् ।
यदीश्वरे भगवति कर्म ब्रह्मणि भावितम् ॥
"This, O Brahmin, has been indicated
as the cure for the threefold miseries,
namely, the offering of action to the Lord,
the Master and Supreme Being.
आमयो यच्च भूतानां जायते येन सुव्रत ।
तदेव ह्यामयं द्रव्यं न पुनाति चिकित्सितम् ।