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नारदः --
'भवताऽनुदितप्रायं यशो भगवतोऽमलम् ।
येनैवासौ न तुष्येत मन्ये तद्दर्शनं खिलम् ॥
Narada :
"The pure glory of the Lord has almost
not been sung by you. I think, that
philosophy whereby the Lord would not
be satisfied, is a waste.
'यथा धर्मादयश्चार्था मुनिवर्यानुकीर्तिताः ।
न तथा वासुदेवस्य महिमा ह्यनुवर्णितः ॥
"In the manner in which, O best of
sages, Dharma and other ideas have been
described by you, the greatness of
Vasudeva has not been described.
'तद्वाग्विसर्गो जनताघविप्लवो
यस्मिन् प्रतिश्लोकमबद्धवत्यपि ।
नामान्यनन्तस्य यशोङ्कितानि यत्
शृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्ति साधवः ॥
"That outpour of the Lord's story
washes away the sins of all humanity;
though there are flaws in it in every
verse, there are in it the names of the