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कृतवान् भारतं यस्त्वं सर्वार्थपरिबृंहितम् ।
जिज्ञासितमधीतं च ब्रह्म यत्तत्सनातनम् ।
अथापि शोचस्यात्मानमकृतार्थ इव प्रभो ॥'
"You have composed the Bharata,
enriched with every idea. That eternal
thing, the Brahman, you have desired
to comprehend and you have com-
prehended. And still, my Lord, you
sorrow for yourself as if you have not
achieved your purpose."
'अस्त्येव मे सर्वमिदं त्वयोक्तं
तथाऽपि नात्मा परितुष्यते मे ।
पृच्छामहे त्वाऽऽत्मभवात्मभूतम् ॥'
Vyasa :
" I do have all this you have said ; still
my soul is not satisfied; its imperceptible
cause that is too deep for me to under-
stand, I ask of you, the son of the
self-born Brahman."