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' तदिदं ग्राहयामास सुतमात्मवतां वरम् ।
स तु संश्रावयामास महाराजं परीक्षितम् ।
सोऽहं वः श्रावयिष्यामि यथाधीतं यथामति ॥'
" And this Purana, Vyasa imparted to
his son, Suka, the foremost of the self-
possessed. Suka made the monarch
Parikshit hear it; and, in the measure of
my study and knowledge, I shall recite it
to you."
सूतः -
द्वापरे समनुप्राप्ते तृतीये युगपर्यये ।
जातः पराशराद्योगी वासव्यां कलया हरेः ॥
When the third change in yuga, the
Dvapara, came, the yogin, Vyasa, was
born of Parasara and Satyavati, as a
partial incarnation of Hari.
विविक्त एक आसीनो दध्यौ हितममोघदृक् ॥
That Vyasa whose vision was never
barren sat all alone and contemplated
what was beneficial.