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'स एवेदं ससर्जाग्रे भगवानात्ममायया ॥
"It is that great Lord, who, by his own
mystic power, created this universe at
the beginning.
' यथा ह्यहितो वह्निर्दारुष्वेकस्स्वयोनिषु ।
नानेव भाति विश्वात्मा भूतेषु च तथा पुमान् ॥'
As the one fire lit in several pieces of
wood which form its substratum appears
manifold, even so does the one Being,
the soul of the universe, appear manifold
in the several beings.
'अवतारा ह्यसंख्येया हरेस्सत्त्वनिधेर्द्विजाः ।
यथाविदासिनः कुल्याः सरसस्स्युरसहस्रशः ॥
"Ye twice-born ! innumerable are the
incarnations of Hari, the abode of power,
even as there may be thousands of
streamlets from an inexhaustible lake.
'इदं भागवतं नाम पुराणं ब्रह्मसंमितम् ।
उत्तमश्लोकचरितं चकार भगवानृषिः ॥
"This Purana of the doings of the
Lord of greatest renown, the well-known
Bhagavata equal to the Vedas, the blessed
sage Vyasa composed.