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Rejoicing at this excellent inquiry, the
Suta began to speak:
"Sages ! well have I been asked by you
that which is for the well-being of the
world; for, of Krishna has this great
enquiry been made, an enquiry by which
the soul gets completely composed.
'स वै पुंसां परो धर्मो यतो भक्तिरधोक्षजे ।
तस्मादेकेन मनसा भगवान् सात्त्वतां पतिः ।
श्रोतव्यः कीर्तितव्यश्च ध्येयः पूज्यश्च नित्यदा ॥
"Indeed, that is the greatest Dharma
for men, by which there shall be devotion
for Hari. Therefore, single-minded, one
must listen to (the story of) Lord Hari,
sing of Him, contemplate and worship
Him always.
' वासुदेवपरा वेदाः वासुदेवपराः क्रियाः ॥
वासुदेवपरो धर्मो वासुदेवपरा गतिः
"It is Hari who is the import of the
Vedas; it is Hari for whom all rituals are
intended; it is Hari who is the object
of all Dharmas; it is Hari who is the
ultimate goal.