2023-08-20 09:40:41 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
without their effort for it, so also the
pleasure of the senses is available for
all beings by destiny and by the mere
reason of their having taken a body.
(Therefore) one should not strain oneself
for its sake; for, by doing so, only life
ebbs away.
' पुंसो वर्षशतं ह्यायुस्तदर्
मुग्धस्य बाल्ये कौमारे क्रीडतो याति विंशतिः ।
जरया प्रस्तदेहस्य यात्यकल्पस्य विंशतिः ॥
दुरापूरेण कामेन मोहेन च बलीयसा ।
शेषं गृहेषु सक्तस्य प्रमत्तस्यापयाति हि ॥
"A hundred years form a man's life;
the man who has no self.possession has
but half of that. Twenty years pass
away for the fool in his sports of child-
hood and boyhood and a score (more)
pass away as he remains inefficient for
any work, his body being in the grip of
old age,
the careless man who is engrossed in
domestic life in his insatiable desires and
strong infatuations.