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OF CULhighest conception of bliss is not, accord-
ing to the Hindu mind, mere prostration
and service at the foot of the Almighty,
but a loving union with Him.
salvation may take the shape of Salokya,
Sarupya or Sayujya. In emphasising
Bhakti as a method of salvation, the
Bhagavata does not fail to lay stress on
the need for the service and love of
humanity, nay of all living beings.
pockey to
highest conception of
are innumera
bliss is not, accorde passages dwelling
upon the importance of identifying one-
self with all humanity
ing to the Hindu mind, mere prostration
and service at the foot of the Almighty,
but a loving unio
It is sufficient to
quote one of the many passages i
n with Him. The
salvation may take the shape of Salokya,
Sarupya or Sayujya. In emphasising
Bhakti as a method of salvation, the
Bhagavata does not fail to lay stress on
the need for the service and love of
humanity, nay of all living beings. There
innumerable passages dwelling
upon the importance of identifying one-
self with all humanity. It is sufficient to
quote one of the many passages in which
goodness is defined:

कृपालुरक्कृतद्रोहः तितिक्षुः सर्वदेहिनाम् ।

सत्यसारोऽनवद्यात्मा समः सर्वोपकारकः ॥

कामैरहतधीर्दान्तो मृदुः शुचिरकिञ्चनः ।

अमानो मानदः कल्पः मैत्रः कारुणिकः कविः ॥

धर्मान् संत्यज्य यः सर्वान् मां भजेत स सत्तमः ॥

No other work in the Hindu religious
literature has made a more careful study

literature has made a more careful study
of the psychology of Bhakti. The man

who truly loves God cannot possibly go


Mr. Natesan's object in publishing this

abridgment of the Bhagavata is laudable.

In making the selections from such a

voluminous work, he has followed a

principle of his own. His purpose is