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● संस्कृतिमा
creator, preserver and destroyer of the
universe. He is often identified with
relentless time or fate. He is represented
in the Bhagavata as having become
incarnate as Krishna to reduce the over-
population of the world.
creator, preserver and destroyer of the
universe. He is often identified with
relentless time or fate. He is represented
in the Bhagavata as having become
incarnate as Krishna to reduce the over-
population of the world. War was one
ar was one
of the well-known means by which the

evil of over-population was rectified in

the world. When the author of the

Bhagavata describes Krishna as assuming

responsibility for the drunken brawls and

mutual slaughter of the turbulent

Yadavas, he is simply identified with the
evolutionary process of the world.
story is also intended to emphasise the
evils of addiction to liquor.
The value of the Bhagavata to the
devout consists not so much in the stories
and legends with which it abounds or in
the charming lyrics or in the beauty of
its poetic descriptions or in the portrayal
of human nature with its intense human
, he is simply identified with the
evolutionary process of the world. The
story is also intended to emphasise the
evils of addiction to liquor.
The value of the Bhagavata to the
devout consists not so much in the stories
and legends with which it a
bounds or in
the charming lyrics or in the beauty of
its poetic descriptions or in the portrayal
of human nature with its intense human
interest, b
ut in its exposition of the main

theme of the book. The essential truths

which it emphasises again and again are
the imperish

the imperish
ability of the soul, the good-

ness, power and helpfulness of God and

the attainment of salvation by the method

of Bhakti. The path of Bhakti or devotion

has sometimes been represented by

hostile critics. The true spirit of religion

implies the adoration and love of God

and the desire for union with God. The