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taken to a hermit's life and my daughter has taken service
the usurper.
Had the two

with Kalpasundarī, the queen
of the usurper.
Had the two
royal children lived, they would have been exactly of your

age and looks.' When I heard her tale, tears gushed into my

eyes. I said to her, 'Mother ! here I am, your son, and I

can have the usurper done to death, but nobody knows me

here as the prince.' . The old woman was overwhelmed with

joy and gave me a meal. I thought out a plan to kill the

usurper through his queen and asked my foster-mother if she

had any knowledge of his antaḥpura. Meanwhile her

daughter came there; and having heard about me from her
one of the most

mother told me that Kalpasundari was
ī was one of the most
beautiful and accomplished ladies of the day but that there

was no love lost between her and the usurper.
I employed
was no

ladies to widen the rift between the queen and her husband
and also to win her
love lost between her and the usurper.
ladies to widen the rift between the queen and her husband
and also to win her love for me.
for me.[^¹
(Av. Sāra VIII. 110-125)

1]. The Ms. of Avantisundariī Kathā Sāra breaks off here.