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from all pains. The hearts of the ministers and other
attendants swelled with joy to see the king looking safe and
sound. They at once removed the queen, who could hardly
believe that her lord was alive, from the fire which she was
(Av. Sāra II. 98-166; Av. pp. 122-34)
Story of Rajahamsa (contd.)
Rajahaṁsa related his adventures to the ministers and
added, "In my sad plight, God Siva appeared in person;
and when I bowed to him mentally, he consoled me with the
following words: "Dear child, I am pleased with your valour.
It is I that struck you in the battle in the form of a sword;
and to my great joy, you shattered it to pieces. It was at
my dispensation that the horses took you to this safe retreat.
In due time, you shall recover your former position and
beget a son named Rajavāhana of infinite powers, the sole
ruler of Jambūdvipa; you should live an ascetic life, in a
hermitage and send him out for the conquest of the world
when he is sixteen years old. Your first son Hamsavāhana
is now doing well." Having said this the God disappeared
and I got up as if I was free from all pains." Whilst the
king and his ministers were engaged in talking over what
had happened, the night came to a close.
(Av. Sara III. 1-10;
Av. pp. 134-36)
When experts in Ayurveda had healed his wounds,
the king followed by his ministers paid a visit to the
hermitage of the sage Vāmadeva on the bank of the river
Narmadā and fell at his feet. The all-knowing sage
received him kindly and with a smile began to narrate the
king's story to the ascetics that sat around him. He traced
the descent of the king from the Creator and mentioned the
names of his ancestors down to his father Ripuñjaya of the
lunar race. "For a long time," added the sage, "Ripuñjaya
was childless. And as desired by me he practised severe
austerities in this Vindhya forest and worshipped the God
Visņu (Jalaśāyin). The God said to him in a dream:
Child! stop this mortifiction. A son will be born to you.
He will defeat the king of Ujjain and face bravely the stroke