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of opinion. The majority of scholars favour Dandin's
authorship of the Dasakumaracarita also. (See History of
Sanskrit Foetics Introduction to Sahitya Darpana by
P. V. Kane, p. 89). The third work is taken to be
Chandoviciti by some, Dvisandhana, Mrcchakatika, or Kala-
pariccheda by others. Detailed discussion on the question of
identification of the third work may be seen in the Introduc-
tion to the present edition. But a more important problem
has been raised by the discovery of the Avantisundari Kathā
which is specifically attributed to Dandin. The question
is whether Dandin wrote cnly three works as stated by
Rajiekhara, and whether he wrote both the Dasakumāra-
carita and the Avantisundari, the latter being only a more
elaborate and altered version of the former so far as we are
able to judge. From the data available, it is doubtful
whether the statement of Raj sekhara can be accepted
as correct. as in that case, the authorship of certain
works like the Dvisandhana etc. now assigned to him
will have to be re-examined.
What is, however, more important in this connection
is the identification of the authors of the Dasakumaracarita
and he Avantisun dari. From the colophons of manuscripts
avail. ble here we find that both are works of Dandin.
The celophen in the Avantisundari, according to the
manuscript available in this library, is as follows:-
" इत्याचार्य दण्डिना कृता अवन्तिसुन्दरी समाप्ता । "
It is also stated in the work itself that the story is
narrated by Dandin at the instance of his friends.
This is sufficient proof that the Avantisandarī is the work