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still breathing and took it
in my arms. Just then
the leader of our gang
arrived and asked me to
take the child to Vindhya-
sena. I did SO, but
Vindhyasena directed me
to take the child to
On hearing this the king
accepted the child and
named him Apahāravar-
man. pp. 166-173.
8. Once a sage pre-
sented a child to the
king and told him as fol
lows :-
"In the course of my
pilgrimage, as I was com-
ing across a forest after
taking bath in the Ganges,
I saw at the foot of a
caitya tree in a village an
old man, who told me that
the whole village was af-
fected by plague, and that
the inhabitants were trying
to find out methods of
fighting it. On proceeding
a little further I saw a
Once a sage presented
a child bearing a royal
appearance to the king and
told him as follows:-
"When I went to the
forest to collect darbha
grass and sacrificial twigs,
I saw a wailing old wo-
man. She said that she
was the nurse of the child
of the king of Mithila and,
when the latter was over-
powered by the hunters,
while he was returning
after the Magadha-Mālava
battle which was fought
when he had been to