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Help us make Ambuda available in your language!

Created 2 years ago

As part of our mission to make the Sanskrit tradition radically accessible, we have started to increase our site’s support for other languages. We currently support both Sanskrit and English, and you can choose between them from our site’s main page.

Please help us make Ambuda available in your language. You don’t need to know any Sanskrit to help us with our work.

There are three ways you can help.

1. Translate our interface to your language

If you want to help us translate our English interface to your language, please join our translation project on Transifex.

The language on the Transifex site is a little confusing, so just to clarify: translator accounts are free forever, and you don’t need to pay anything to sign up.

2. Help us find Sanskrit dictionaries in your language

We also want to add more Sanskrit dictionaries to our site. Please let us know if you have access to other dictionaries we can digitize and support.

So far, we have resources for the following language pairs:

  • Sanskrit-Sanskrit (वाचस्पत्यम्, शब्दकल्पद्रुमः, various koshas)
  • Sanskrit-Hindi (Apte)
  • Sanskrit-Kannada (शब्दार्थकौस्तुभः)
  • Sanskrit-Telugu (PDF of the सर्वशब्दसम्बोधिनी)
  • Sanskrit-Marathi (hard copy of the गीर्वाणलघुकोश)
  • Sanskrit-Gujarati (PDF of the शब्दरत्नमहोदधिः)

As well as:

  • Sanskrit-English (various)
  • Sanskrit-German (various)
  • Sanskrit-French (various)

We are most interested in plain text files and PDF scans. If you have a book in hard copy, please consider using an app like vFlat Scan to digitize it.

3. Tell your friends

If you don’t have the time to help us directly, please help us find other volunteers by sharing this post with your friends and family. Every bit helps!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us or join us on our Discord server on the #i18n channel. Thank you.